Lauren Eberhard
My love for dogs goes way back to my early childhood, I could never get enough of them! I did everything I could to educate myself about themas I continue to do so to this day. From the ages of 13-17, I eagerly volunteered at my local animal shelter. I cared for all animals, especially dogs and even helped comfort them and change their view of humans until they were adopted by their forever families. I had so many special moments with them that I will never forget. Before taking my first steps in the grooming industry, it was my lifelong dream to go to school to be a veterinarian. When I got my first job as a kennel tech at 18, I was preparing to do just that when my interest in the position of bathing dogs was piqued. It took some time as I was highly valued in the position I was already in, but I never stopped asking about it and they eventually let me give it a try. Having always been attentive to my own dogs’ needs growing up, with the help of my amazing mentor and my previous basic grooming experience I was a natural! I was fascinated with the process of making dogs go from dirty to beautiful, and it didn’t take very long for me to fall head over heels with my newfound passion. “This is exactly what I’m meant to be doing, this is the value I can give to the world,” I thought. With that in mind, my plans to work in the veterinary field were suddenly far behind and I began to put all my focus into perfecting me grooming skills. I have since worked in both corporate and private salons, both of which I noticed lack a perfect balance between comfort, safety, and quality. Now, with the opportunity to offer my skills in my own business, I would like to offer that perfect balance to pet parents who want nothing but the best for their fur friend! Located on the Portfolio page are some of my best photos to show my exceptional work! My specialties include, but are not limited to curly coats, hand scissoring, and all things considered as creative grooming.